Projects with younger people

I’ve been fortunate to work with the play charity Kinship, and especially lucky to collaborate with sculptor Matt Shaw, artist Hester Dennett and film maker Chris Bradley. Together we developed and ran projects promoting creative play for reception and primary-age children and their teachers at the Tibetan Children’s Village in northern India, the Ecole Andafiatsimo in Ambatolampy, Madagascar and the Druk White Lotus School near Leh in Ladakh (also India) – as well as here in the UK. In all of this work it was a privilege to work closely with project partners and learn so much about astonishingly different cultures and ways of living.

This film about our work in Madagascar in 2009 (which I managed) gives a good example of our vision, aims and working methods:

These pictures are from our project at the Tibetan Children’s Village in 2005:

Here are some photos from Druk White Lotus School where we worked in 2010:

And here’s a link to a newsletter I did in 2010 which has pictures from a project we did in Leamington Spa:

KINSHIP_newsletter 2010